InstaXtra ⭐️ is a modified Instagram app tweak, which enables lots of extra features.
- View stories anonymously
- Disable message read receipts
- Download photo or video from stories, reels, feed, post in high quality for video SD or HD
- Hide story from the feed
- Hide story quick reaction
- Audio call confirmation
- Video call confirmation
- Spoof verified badge
- Spoof followers count
- Spoof following count
- Spoof post count
- Hide sponsor advertising
- Hide all caught up section on the feed
- Hide suggested reels section on the feed
- Show confirmation when like the post
- Share the post photo via iOS share sheet
- Copy video or photo url link
- Watch stories or video post with iOS video player so you can pause or rewind etc
- Download button colour because some video got white background so you can’t see the button
- Long press on the photo to download or copy link, for videos post there’s a button so you can download because long press gesture doesn’t work on the video post since it pause the video when you hold on it
- From users profile you can see whether they’re following you or not, customise following colour i.e green if they follow you or red if they aren’t following you
- Long press on the bio to copy it and customise highlighting colour
- Added user icon on the user profile page to show contextual menu so you can copy username, bio, download or share the profile picture
- Added floating button on the followers and following page so you can tap to follow any users that are visible on the list and customise floating button alignment, appearance etc
- You can enable to follow verified accounts only if you want
- Added settings view controller to configure and customise all settings
- Added reset button on the settings to reset all settings